Wallpaper CASA (HD) APK 2.1.4
Wallpaper CASA (HD) provides 120,000+ extra high quality HD wallpapers with daily update, all the backgrounds are high definition and downloadable...
- Download and save HD wallpaper
- Sory by freshness and download times
- "Color filter" to browse wallpapers based on 300+ colors!
- Exact size preview (scrollable wallpapers)
- Well organized 3 levels Categories / Sub categories.
- Keyword searching for the whole wallpaper database
- Share wallpaper to facebook, twitter, SMS.
- Small (fast speed) or Large (high quality) thumb viewing.
- Fast and stable server connection.
WallpaperCASA supports device with high resolution (Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 tablet, Droid, Nexus S/One), it will auto-detect device screensize and assign the best resolution of wallpaper (and saving your bandwidth too!)